Proposals Now Being Accepted for 2006 International Development Grants
The Diocese of Iowa has established International Development Grants to fund economic development projects, setting aside at least 0.7% of the estimated net disposable diocesan income for this purpose. Grant proposals are now being accepted.
Proposals for must be received by June 1, 2006 Local proposals should include some local additional funding. Priority will be given to projects with a tie with the proposer. Proposals must demonstrate consistency with the following ethical guidelines: For more information and an application form (PDF), click here.
PHOTO: Lucy Mabuza presenting a check from the Diocese of Iowa to the Diocese of Swaziland's Mother's Union for their work with HIV/AIDS orphans. Swaziland has approx. 60,000 orphans, a number that is expected to double by 2010.
Criteria for Granting Funds- Each proposal should outline the nature of the project and the partnering individual/organization in the developing country.
- Proposals should provide some history of the partner’s involvement in the development of activities.
- Proposals may come from—
- a diocesan board or commission
- a local Vestry/Bishop’s Committee
- Partnership – The economic relationship promotes mutuality of benefits
- Respect – Local peoples and realities are valued
- Empowerment – The economic relationship values mutuality of process
- Oneness with Creation – Sensitivity to, and responsibility for, the environment
- Distributive Justice – Economic impact of the relationship contributes to the well-being of a significant number of people; does not promote inequities
- People-Centered Development – Beneficiaries set priorities and conditions. Maximum use is made of local resources; applied technologies are appropriate for the setting
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