Friday, February 08, 2013


Much remaining to share, including some photos in a minute or two. For now, I just want to make sure this doesn't get lost in the mix.

Bishop Peni shared with us this morning that they don't have a word in Zande to really, technically describe a companion relationship or a friendship of the sort the Diocese of Iowa enjoys with Swaziland, Brechin, and now Nzara. He offered the word "backulay" (phonetic), which you can use to refer to someone who has exchanged blood with you.

As with so many places, Nzara/South Sudan's HIV/AIDS problem is a very real one. So the use of such a term in the age of fighting bloodborne disease is a bold choice indeed.

Bishop Scarfe, so often given to finding the right word at the right time, offered in his remarks that "The blood we have in common is the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Torey Lightcap


Anonymous Dave O. said...

It is good to hear from both Torey and Kathleen. We always hope that travel will go well and with the rather complicated arrangements for getting there it seems a bit ironic that the biggest travel problem came at home in Des Moines. We pray there are no more travel problems.
I don't think I'm ready to have convention minutes read in full (and follow-up evaluated), but that sense of accountability to one another is important -- and not easy to accomplish. And having delegates "walk" to convention probably would raise some objections. Perhaps the "format changes" Kathleen mentions refer to other things.
The thoughts about "companions" provide some new images and should generate some continued discussions.
May God continue to bless your visit -- and your return!

12:08 PM  
Blogger Mary Jane+ said...

Great to read these updates. The joy and enthusiasm being shared is coming through to us back in Iowa. Backulay - sharing the blood of Jesus Christ. Companion - "with bread". Thank you for sharing your experiences of Transformation as we move up the Mt. of the Transfiguration. With prayers for health and safety for the Iowa team - and blessings for you and the people and clergy of Nzara. Mary Jane

12:44 PM  

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